
The project aims at the development of digital, Open courses, available free, both students, and to the general public. The project is consistent with the public character and mission of the THBS.

The term "open Lesson" means free access to lesson and in the accompanying educational materials of. The THBS, and the teaching staff, retain the copyright of educational material, whose use is permitted by this license.

The project is aimed at a very broad audience as:

  • Students who are interested to study in higher education,

  • Professionals and individuals who wish to acquire new knowledge or to renew your existing,

  • Local authorities and

  • Various professional groups, and so on..

The public will be able to search for open classes of interest and have access to training material, with score update their knowledge on specific topics, but also to acquire new insights into new thematic objects, knowledge that will assist them in professional athletics or their personal development.

The project is not a curriculum or program distance learning, It grants a degree or certificate to obtain knowledge or training in this receipt does not provide tutoring support from UNIVERSITIES or from their staff.